The Local Government Department’s Water and Sanitation Cell (WatSan), in collaboration with the University of Peshawar, UNICEF, and other sector partners will hold the Inter-Universities Skit Competition, an event that aims to raise awareness about Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WatSan) issues and their possible solutions. The event coincides with the forthcoming Global Handwashing Day falling on October 17, will be organized in Agha Khan Auditorium University of Peshawar. A total of seven universities from Peshawar, Mardan and Charsdda are participating in the inaugural round. Furthermore, they will creatively communicate vital ideas about water, sanitation, hygiene, and the importance of handwashing in preventing disease by utilizing the art form of skits. The competition would not only showcase the talents of students but also serve as a platform for advocating for better hygiene practices. Likewise, the event will be attended by students, sector partners, and media representatives, all of whom will play an integral role in furthering the cause of clean water, improved sanitation, and enhanced hygiene practices.