Sir: As if the killing of DSP Javed Iqbal in Lakki Marwat was not enough, the callous attackers struck again the same evening at his funeral in Mingora killing his son along with more than fifty people. And all of this in the name of Islam! What’s worse is that the naive perpetrator is indoctrinated to believe that all those who would die with him would also go to paradise as they too would be shaheed! Since these heinous acts are played out in the name of Islam, I think it is the duty of all the clerics and scholars of Islam, the Pirs and Faqirs, the Ulema and Mushaikh, and all leaders of the religious political parties to counter this myth effectively. At present they somewhat do condemn the act but not as forcefully and openly as the hour demands. Media must also play its highly effective role in educating the naïve masses on an extensive and regular basis. The potential suicide bomber must be apprised of the facts, and also the immensely great sin that he stands to commit. RIAZ JAFRIRawalpindi