The Vice Chancellor Shaheed Allah Bux Bhutto University of Art, Design and Heritage Jamshoro Prof. Dr. Arabella Bhutto has termed the poetry of Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai based on humanity, mysticism and peace and said that the university management was in process of promoting peace, prosperity and positivity. She stated this while addressing the ceremony of remuneration distribution for successful completion of the “Latif in Colors” task by the participation of the Department of Fine Art and Communication Design SABS University Jamshoro on Wednesday. Dr. Arabella Bhutto said that through the literature, piece of papers and research journals knowledge move from one place to another place and the trend of knowledge creation and development in the eastern world is very much encouraging. She said that students have depicted the poetry of Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai as visuals in appreciable style that will set trend of knowledge creation in our country. Addressing the ceremony, the Chief Executive Officer of Center of Knowledge Development (CKD) Prem Mathrani said that poetic experiments have become very popular in Western and European countries and following the trend, the CKD has started research based experiments on poetry of Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai by selecting different themes from his “Risalo”. He said that the objective of assignment was to collaborate in the integrated study and multi-institutional experimental research in the field of social science, arts, and humanities, coordinating interactive participation and reciprocity to accelerate faculty-department innovational relations and capacity-building for the teachers, students, and both organizations. He said that CKD and SABS University have completed the first phase of experiment and both organizations are looking forward to next level and hopefully the government bodies will embrace the multi-institutional experimental research on Bhittai’s poetry. The focal person of the project from SABS University Fazal Elahi Khan and Director CKD Abdul Sattar Khushk also addressed the ceremony.