Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) President Maulana Fazlur Rahman has launched a scathing attack against Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Umar Atta Bandial, accusing him of dividing the Supreme Court with controversial decisions and demanding his resignation. In a statement posted on his official Twitter account on Saturday, the head of the opposition alliance criticised the chief justice’s alleged mishandling of the country’s most prestigious institution, the Supreme Court (SC), which caused a crisis within the country and the state. The JUI-F chief also argued that the only solution to this crisis was for Chief Justice Bandial to resign from his position. Fazl also pointed out that parliament was the supreme institution of the country, and the chief justice’s alleged misconduct had put this institution in a difficult position. He called on Chief Justice Bandial to resign immediately without any further delay to restore the public’s trust in the judiciary.