National Assembly Standing Committee on National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination has asked the ministry concerned and the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) to look into the rationalisation of fee structure for medical and dental studies. The committee also directed for looking into the prospects of increase in seats in public sector medical institutions for encouraging students to pursue their medical studies within the country instead of going abroad specially in central Asian states. The committee which met under the chairmanship of Dr. Muhammad Afzal Khan Dhandla, MNA while examining the details of scholarships offered by PMDC to medical students inland and abroad, observed that the students in absence of seats in the public sector universities and huge fee structure of private medical institutions, proceeded abroad spending substantial amount of foreign exchange. The chairman quoting the pathetic state of students pursuing their studies in central Asian states said that he was aware of state of some students who were subject to exploitation by the agents and the foreign medical institutions. He suggested for rationalising the fee structure of private medical institutions in the country which were presently charging huge amounts on that account. The committee also sought a report on irregularities in current medical admissions. The Special Secretary of the Ministry and Registrar of PMDC assured the Committee of presenting a report in this regard in next meeting of the Committee. The Registrar PMDC apprised that the PMDC had awarded 301 scholarships to students and the scheme had been discontinued on objection of Audit department on the pretext of being out of scope of the PMDC. The committee after a briefing on Liver transplant in Pakistan sought a draft legislation from the Ministry on SWAP law which was already in vogue in provinces.