In her latest photoshoot, veteran actress Sana Fakhar posed sassily with black beauty Harley Davidson. In her stylish avatar, she was easy on the eyes. Sana wore a blue button-down shirt, jeans, and matching blue combat boots for a laid-back look. Her side braids hairstyle added to her flamboyant appearance. “Always make time for the things that make you feel alive,” she wrote in the caption. Fakhar debuted as an actress in 1997, playing Dr. Sana in the Pakistani romantic film Sangam. She has since given us some fantastic performances on the big screen. The stunning actress temporarily returned to the screen during the resurgence of Pakistani cinema a few years ago with a cameo in the well-liked movie Wrong Number 2. The star made her small-screen debut in Jeena Sikha Do Hamein, and viewers and critics praised her for her outstanding work in dramas like Tu Mera Junoon, Yateem, and Saibaan. Recently, she performed Seema in the drama series Zakham.