ISLAMABAD: Climate change is impacting adversely the agriculture sector of Pakistan and it is need of hour that measures be taken on fast track basis to create awareness about climate change among the farming community.
Within the policy framework of climate change federal government has issued directives to the provinces for protection of agriculture and improvement in livestock.
Ministry of Climate Change has also directed the provinces to take steps to counter the negative fall-out of climate change with particular reference to agriculture and live stock.
Agriculture is backbone of Pakistan’s national economy which contributes 21 percent to the GDP of the country. It is source of livelihood for 45 percent people and it constitutes 75 percent share of income accruing from exports.
Land in Pakistan is divided into 10 categories in the perspective of climate change. Growth in production of crop is linked to temperature. Rise in temperature affects badly crops and fodder. The threat of cyclone and floods is looming large in Pakistan in the backdrop of climate change. This threat can impact severely food. Therefore it is need of hour to take steps to counter this threat.
Livestock is vital subordinate department of agriculture, which constitutes 12 percent of the GDP of the country and rural population ranging between 30 to 35 percent is attached with this sector.
According to economic survey 2009-10, they earned 37 to 40 percent of their income from this sector.
Climate change leaves its impacts particular on agriculture and livestock, therefore, such areas are selected for the production from these two sectors which are suitable in the perspective of climate and weather. Farming community should take precautionary measures to protect the crops against these hazards. They should ensure that fertile land is not used for any other purpose than agriculture.
Crops suitable to climate should be grown in the areas which receive high rain fall so that they could produce good yield. The provincial governments should ensure that in calamities prone areas such methods or adopted or crops are cultivated which are calamity resistant.
The farming community is persuaded to use modern methods of investment in the areas which are prone to climate change. Good fodder and availability of food be ensured on top priority basis for live stock. Information should be provided to people about fodder and food. The farmers be persuaded to grow grass for live stock in hilly areas. Arrangements be made for imparting training to farmers so that they could use the water in better manner. State of the art methods be preferred for energy production and use of biotechnology be increased so that carbon absorbing crops and seeds could be grown.