Balochistan province is a place of strong heritage. This historical land was ruled by a myriad number of kings and monarchs who were endowed with unconditional power throughout the ages, whether it be, the Mughal emperors or the Macedonians, Arabs, Mongols or Ghaznivids. These conquerors and rulers often were defeated and overthrown but they bequeathed […]
Remembering the tragedy and legend of Hammal-o-Mahganj
Baloch history is full of secrets and adventures but unfortunately, with the lack of media and government’s attention, its issues and historical heritage still remains uncovered. Baloch history is congested with exemplary incidents and events. The same like the Mughals’ rule in the Indian subcontinent, the Delhi sultanate or be it others. The Balochi love […]
Rarest of animal breeds existed in Dera Bugti and Chagai
Balochistan is blessed with hundreds of thousands of species of plants and animals, varying from the ibex, black bear, brown rabbits, markhor, tortoise and migratory birds that include zaarhi, zark, sisi and even the tiniest mouse in the world, called the pygmy jerboa. Undoubtedly, Baluchitherium is one of the largest land mammals that ever existed […]
Achieving the ideal number of zero out of school children
Isra, a girl of tender age was one of the most quick-witted and hyperintelligent students of Grade 9. She answered the questions of the teachers delightfully and participated in every extra curicular activity. Isra was liked by all the teachers of the school since she worked very hard to accomplish any task.Sheonce won the inter-school […]
Getting to know Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through Yusuf Islam’s book
In the recent days, I came across the book The Life of the Last Prophet by Yusuf Islam. Starting from the author’s note and the ways he writes, I was already engrossed in the outset. The British-born singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, Cat Stevens who is commonly known as Yusuf Islam, after a near-death drowning experience, […]
Underpasses can be made but not schools
Balochistan is generally defined as the province which is resourceful but remains the most underdeveloped in the country. Despite realising this, there is a whopping illiteracy rate which has not only devastated the province but also our youth. According to statistics, 5.02 million out-of-school girls and boys between the ages of five and 16 remain […]
Men are not superior to women
As Allah says in the holy Quran ,”O Man! Fear your Lord who has created you from a single soul, then from it created its mate and from these two, spread the creation of countless men and women. Fear Allah through whom you demand your mutual rights and do not cut relations of the womb. […]
Horrifying reality: Pakistan’s child labour
The children in Pakistan are engaged with various forms of child labour at a young age. Child labour is widespread in every nook and corner of the country and most rampant in large cities. It is hard to imagine the condition of those small children who are forced to be child labourers at the age […]
Another 90 years before every girl child can see school?
Destroying a nation doesn’t require the use of bombs, missiles. It requires lowering the quality of education and the allowance of corrupt practices like cheating and not giving the rights of the women. Women in Pakistan are undoubtedly participating in every field. And despite being denied their fundamental rights, they are enthusiastic to get positions […]