In the modern advanced era of technology, the battle for gaining votes is not confined to ask voters for vote through door to door campaign by politicians,but the campaign of politicians is being run using the modern means of communications with the voters as well. These days, social media plays an important role in convincing […]
Insufficient funds to conduct surveys are dangerous to democracy
This is an element of the undertaking that most respondents and citizens are unable to understand the importance of poll surveys .The Sampling should have been a process of finding a random group of Pakistani eligible to vote,but it is conducted otherwise. Keeter of Pew Research Survey says,”It’s more of a problem on questions about […]
“Will go to Pakistan, not afraid of Jail,” says Maryam Nawaz
Maryam Nawaz on Wednesday took on twitter to inform it’s Kulsoom Nawaz Birthday today! Ami’s birthday today. Almost 20 days that she’s been on respirator. Still unconscious. Allah meri aur sub ki ماؤں ko salamat rakhe. Ameen. — Maryam Nawaz Sharif (@MaryamNSharif) July 2, 2018 While responding to a question of a reporter outside the […]
The ‘Twitter impact’ — political communication and 2018 general elections
Pakistan is an intriguing case in political marketing. Its people respond to emotion, and politicians use this in their marketing campaigns, whether through their outdoor advertising billboards and banners, or through televised commercials and increasingly through social media as well. Some also go to the lengths of constructing roads or bridges or other similar infrastructure […]
Naya Pakistan is not responding at the moment… please try again next election
Traditionally, the electorate in Pakistan has been composed of five basic segments. The first consists of religious people, supported by the various religious parties in the country. The second is the ideological vote bank, which has usually been supported by the Pakistan Muslim League — Noon (PML-N). The Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) has utilised the […]
Feudal lords vs Pakistan’s climate change problem
Climate change is one of our most urgent and complex challenges facing our world today, and human beings are the main reason behind this problem. The global impacts of climate change can be attributed to a set of common stressors. However, the magnitude of specific climate change impacts will depend on a region’s physical geography […]