The pied piper on December 17, 2016Even after the application many clichéd child psychology techniques, the modern teaching method, fancy books, and the extra efforts put in by parents, quite a number of youth turn out to be unsatisfied, frustrated and unhappy. Why has it become a common and a literal proverbial statement that “our kids have much more as compared […]
The ungrateful nation on December 10, 2016Mughal Empire was known for its beautiful architecture. The architecture reached its pinnacle of glory during the period of Shah Jahan. It was promoted in a period of 100 years by Akbar, Jahangir and Shah Jahan. The royal family is no more there, but those Mughal traditions left a lasting impression. We seemed to be […]
Anything for commercial ratings on December 3, 2016One question that keeps on arising in my mind is what kind of communication skills my kids are learning from the electronic media, mainly TV. Making fun of someone’s looks, body shape or mimicking a transgender is the dominant feature of comedy shows aired on all channels. A team of comedians, guests and the host, […]
Can money buy everything? on November 26, 2016Money has been an important part of human history for the last 3,000 years; before that it was assumed that a bartering system existed. Bartering was a trade of goods and services. In 600 B.C Lydia’s king Alyattes minted the first official currency from electrum stamped with pictures. Little did he know at that time […]
The daughters of Eve on November 19, 2016The ticking clock and the steaming tea were the only signs giving me a feeling of my existence. Otherwise, I felt dead after hearing the phone call. It was about a woman who was burnt alive by her husband, which had gone unreported. The neighbourhood, relatives and acquaintances remained tight-lipped. The perpetrator is roaming free, […]