Health and general deprivations on February 28, 2019Population proliferation is unbridled so far in Pakistan despite some recent endeavours by the government and the supreme judiciary. Prior to this, various advocacy organisations had been campaigning for population control but all those efforts went in vain due to certain social taboos and misrepresentation of religious dogmas. The repercussions of this attitude seem to […]
Expanding cities, shrinking quality of life on February 17, 2019Cities and especially the big metropolitan cities always carry certain attractions for the dwellers of suburbs and villages. This is supplemented by the availability of better education, health and employment facilities and opportunities in urban areas. According to demographers, there are basically three major components of bludgeoning urban growth ie rural to urban migration, transformation […]
The sound of population explosion on February 4, 2019During the late 1990s, experts started to forecast the population-driven crises that we are facing today, but, unfortunately, our governments, healthcare professionals, media and clergy paid no attention on that. Instead of sitting together and working on any containment approach, different segments of the society unleashed a vehement propaganda against each other, terming the population […]