The theory of social justice and its implications on December 4, 2019While I was reading theories on sociology and personality development, I came across the theory of Social Justice which is considered a hallmark in the field of social psychology. The founder of the theory John Rawls states “This original position… is understood as a purely hypothetical situation characterized so as to lead to a certain […]
Trade War or Geo-political War? on October 12, 2019There is an immense debate on the US-china trade war across countries lying in the western and eastern hemispheres. Who is going to triumph? What if both countries come to common terms and streamline entrenched concerns. If this trade war is over, will the USA and China become friends again? But it seems such heat […]
What educational testing in Sindh really implies on September 23, 2019Standardized tests have caught paramount significance throughout the globe to examine the proficiency of students in specific areas at primary and secondary education levels. The test is administered at a large scale population with standardized questions, instructions & physical environment. Program for International Student Assessment funded by the Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD) […]