Did religion play a role in the success of Roman Empire and Abbasid Caliphate? on March 22, 2018Of the whopping 1500 years of Roman rule, only the time period straddling reigns of Augustus to Marcus Aurelius is regarded as Pax Romana – the Roman Golden Age. Similarly, the Abbasid Golden Age begins from accession of al-Mansur and ends with elevation of al-Mu’tasim in year 833 AD, when power of Abbasid caliphs had […]
Trump may have reinvigorated the US foreign policy, but domestic implosion looms on March 2, 2018Notwithstanding his handsome approval ratings towards the end of his presidential stint thanks to his partial domestic success, Barack Obama was a foreign policy failure epitomised. From a lopsided Asia pivot to the recurring episodes of humiliation in the Middle East, and from botched deals with Iran and Cuba to a contradictory policy vis-à-vis China […]