It can be argued that the rule of law has become indispensable for maintaining peace and political stability leading to economic progress in society. Effective performance of government institutions, maintenance of peace, development of resources and administration of justice, human security and protection of liberty and equality of all citizens depend on the level of […]
Violent Extremism and Community Resilience
The menace of sectarianism and religiously inspired extremism has affected the lives of people across the globe. The most dangerous effect of religious extremism is that it breeds violence and destabilizes the social, political, and economic structure of society. The religiously motivated ideology of extremism is used to persuade people to develop hostilities against those […]
Women, Covid and gender-based violence
Covid-19 disaster has triggered rise in the cases of gender-based violence and stress among women in the wake of coronavirus situation and subsequent lockdowns imposed across the world. Rapid increase in incidence of domestic violence has now been recognised globally. Thus, United Nations has already taken initiatives to combat the worldwide surge in domestic violence […]
Reforming bureaucracy to deal with crisis
Lawrence Ziring in his book ‘Pakistan in the twentieth Century’ has argued that global developments following the outbreak of war in 1857, transformed the administration of British India from that of a commercial enterprise to one of geopolitical and strategic importance. Colonial bureaucracy administered sub-continent as a colonial possession through district magistracy system, strengthened British […]
From Lockdown to Breakdown
It can be argued that the recent outbreak of Coronavirus has endangered lives of people across the world; disrupting the global economy and causing social disorganisation. Covid-19 has pushed mankind to face unprecedented social and economic challenges in its fight against the unseen enemy. In the war against the virus, Pakistan ramped up various strategies, […]