‘Zero’ — great concept but lacks execution on February 27, 2019This Bollywood film released on December 22, 2018, was produced by Guri Khan and directed by Anand L Rai. It was written by Himanshu Sharma and jointly produced by Colour Yellow Productions. Bauua Singh is a vertically-challenged man from Meerut, who wears his heart on his sleeve. He falls in love with a scientist, Aafia, […]
The passionate are the most successful on February 21, 2019‘The only secret behind Faraz’s success was commitment and determination,” said the teacher with a smile. “He was not the type of person to sacrifice his dreams owing to poverty and hardships, rather these became a sort of motivation for him. Everyone tastes bitter challenges in life, but few dare to step forward and achieve […]
Lovers never say never on February 18, 2019The Notebook is a love story which has been written by American novelist Nicholas Sparks. His writings, no doubt, attract the attention of the readers and encourage spilling the secrets of the heart. His famous books are The Rescue, Message in a Bottle, The Choice, etc. The Notebook is a heart-touching love story that indicates […]