I believe more strongly than ever that English is becoming the world’s language. At least that’s how I feel about it. It’s ironical that to make us realise worth of our own language, I have to use English to communicate with the masses.
Let’s face it, English is the language of finance and business, Hollywood blockbusters dominate worldwide, literature, and also it is the language to travel. If we travel to some other country where English is not the native language, we still use it because we don’t bother about learning any other language.
It is unclear whether domination is an advantage or not. To many of them all languages except English are futile. If you’re American is it comfortable with the rest of the world knowing more about you than what you know about them?
I find myself annoyed when Americans, Brits and Aussies tour the world expecting to be understood whenever they speak. In country like ours, English is given a great preference. This triggers an emotion of linguistic chauvinism in me. Cultural erosion is unbearable for most of us.
What’s happening is the consequence of globalisation, and let’s not forget colonisation. We’ve been ruled by the British for more than a century. Political enslavement is a curse for any country as it deprives it of its identity. Natives do not enjoy any kind of freedom. Ruling government dictates policies and exercises control compelling them to abide by the rule, whether justified or unjustified.
At this juncture it is the mother tongue, which keeps identities alive. If these two are snatched away, what’s left behind is lost identities and a state of dilemma. Our language and nation defines us . Everyone of us loves his/her country and tongue. But, the truth is that English is taking the hold.
I am not against English, but what I think is that we should preserve our own language and culture and also appreciate other languages apart from English. Wouldn’t it be rude not to try to learn native language of the foreign country and use English instead?
English should not be the international language . Neither should Urdu, Hindi, French or Spanish. The world simply doesn’t need an international language! What it needs is more cultural exchanges and less cultural imperialism.