Ranveer Singh joined Deepika Padukone for a Dior event at the 75th annual Cannes Film Festival 2022. Photos of the actors, where they were seen smiling and posing with Rebecca Hall, were shared on social media on Sunday. Like Deepika, Rebecca is also a member of the prestigious Cannes jury. Ranveer Singh was spotted at Mumbai airport on Thursday, as he made his way to Cannes, to be with his wife. In the photos Rebecca stood in the centre, flanked by Deepika and Ranveer. The trio is seen sharing a laugh as they attended the Dior x Madame Figaro x Canal dinner during the film festival on Saturday evening. In another photo from their outing, Deepika and Rebecca are seen pouting and looking into the camera, while Ranveer’s side profile is visible, as he looked away from the camera. Deepika wore a Louis Vuitton outfit, while Ranveer wore an animal print shirt. Rebecca was seen in a floral print dress at the Dior dinner. Deepika Padukone, who has been a regular at Cannes for the last few years, has been busy with her jury duties at the film festival. The actor has been sharing her journey with fans on social media. On a photo she shared from one of Cannes 2022 red carpet appearances, where she wore a red Louis Vuitton gown, husband Ranveer wrote, “Ok! That’s it! I’m taking a flight.” And he did. Two days since making that comment on Deepika’s photo, the actor was spotted at the airport, wearing a white sweatshirt with a pair of velvet pants, as he flew to Cannes. Ranveer Singh has been busy promoting his new film, Jayeshbhai Jordaar and also shooting for Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani with actor Alia Bhatt. According to India Today, he has taken a break from his hectic work schedule to spend time with Deepika at the French Riviera, and enjoy a small holiday.