A Congress MP from Punjab urged the government on Wednesday to bring in a “Pakistan-like” law to restrict the number of guests at weddings to 50 each from the bride and groom’s sides as well as to limit the elaborate feasts that get served to the guests. Speaking during the Zero Hour in the Lok Sabha, Jasbir Singh Gill from Khadoor Sahib said that such a law would not cost the government anything and yet bring in the good wishes of millions while claiming that such a law exists in Pakistan and Afghanistan. “This kind of law is needed to limit wastage of money and resources in weddings,” Gills said. India needs to bring in this law in order to save the people, he added. Citing a wedding feast menu that he was carrying with him as an example, Gill claimed that in some wedding feasts, the guests are served as many as 289 items and the cost comes to around Rs 2,500 per plate. Apart from restricting the number of guests, the number of food items served during the feast should not be more than 11, Gill said. Meanwhile, Speaker Om Birla said the members should lead by example to bring change. “We as MPs, as people’s representatives, start doing it, the country would follow,” he said. “For this, law is not required but willpower is needed,” he added.