Pakistani actor Fiza Ali shared a new dance video on the photo and video sharing site Instagram, that went viral on social media within a few hours. Popular Pakistani actor and host, Fiza Ali took to her Instagram account on Thursday, to share a new video that sees the celebrity dressed in a bright blue coloured ‘Saree’ with a matching choker and her hair open. Fiza can be seen grooving on Bollywood singer Neha Kakkar’s song ‘Dilbar’. The dance video that the celebrity shared with her thousands of followers got an amazing response with numerous likes and comments from the users of the app and her fans can’t get over her stunning looks. Fiza is quite active on her social media handles and enjoys a huge fan following. She often shares glimpses of both her personal and professional lives on social apps. The beautiful actor is often seen spending time with her only daughter, Faraal and also shares pictures from their day outs. A few weeks ago, Fiza shared a video of her daughter Faraal dressed as the iconic Disney character Maleficent for Halloween. The clip shared by Fiza was a time-lapse of Faraal getting her makeup done. The footage then shows the child, wearing the costume, walking with the character’s signature cane.