Turkish actor Celal AL, known for his portrayal of Abdur Rehman in the smash-hit Turkish serial Ertugrul, led a blood donation drive at Karachi’s Expo Centre on Sunday, that saw hundreds of people donate blood. Celal AL, who had earlier posted about an impending visit to Pakistan on his Instagram Stories, landed in Karachi ahead of the blood drive organized by the Omair Sana Foundation and was present at the location to donate blood. This marked his second time donating blood in Pakistan since January. ‘Today, I’m donating my blood for the second time for Pakistani children suffering from thalassemia,’ Celal was quoted as saying at the inauguration “Today I’m donating my blood for the second time for Pakistani children suffering from Thalassemia,” Celal was quoted as saying at the inauguration. “This will not only strengthen the bond between Turkey and Pakistan but will also encourage others to donate blood.” “Turkish blood is being donated for Pakistani children; this will further strengthen the bond between the two nations,” he added. The star was accompanied by Tolga Uçak, the Turkish Consul General in Karachi, and the chairmen of the Omair Sana Foundation, Dr. Kashif Ansari and Dr. Saqib Ansari. The mega blood camp was set up to collect blood for children suffering from Thalassemia and other such blood disorders. The drive aimed to collect as many bottles of blood as they could before the month of Ramazan.