On Monday, more than 1,000 students at the main public university of Bangladesh marched and vehemently inveighed against the rape of a second-year student on the campus in Dhaka, the capital. It is said that the victim after getting off a university bus on Sunday evening walking to a friend’s place was attached behind by an unknown man, gagged and taken to an empty place nearby and raped. However, the students who came out to demand the arrest of rapist(s) chanted slogans of clamoring for women‘s safety carrying fastoons read, “We want the highest punishment” and “We are not living in a dead poets society”. The disgusting act of harassment is in practice against women empowerment by world’s ethical males to weaken the approach of women of all wall of life by putting them under the fear of rapes and blackmailings. According to a recent editorial piece published in AP, ASSOCIATED PRESS, in Bangladesh, a Muslim-majority conservative nation of 160 million people, women consistently face different forms of harassment including rape and tortures. Bangladesh Mahila Parished a network of women groups, said it recorded 697 rape cases in 2018 and 592 cases in the first half of 2019. Similarly, women in Pakistan are too in urgent need of protection from regular sexual harassment. Pakistan is a Majority Muslim state and when it comes to oppressive rape issues the country fell under world’s worst ten countries. It bursts one into sorry to live in the state in which rape cases are per diem stories. Being Islamic countries such as Pakistan and Bangladesh, the rapes rate boosts higher as compared to other countries. Islam undeniably closes the window of acceptance to the ones who want to commit such truculent crime. However, the laws of Islam came to protect the women’s honour, modesty and demureness Around 11 months before, a girl who was a student of first-year of MSCS at the National Collage of Business Administration & Economic (NCBAE) in Multan was rapped and blackmailed to not share her experience of sexual suffering to the circle of laws by lodging an First Information Report (FIR). One’s inimical behavior towards another should not be judged by his gone experiences and social image. To dislodge a long-term practice of harrasment in a society, there law must implement with all its might Furthermore, Pakistan Penal Code provides in section 509 that an act of sexual harrassment is a criminal offence wherever it meets happening. Constitutionally, it is addressed to punish and castigate the harasser. One’s inimical behavior towards another should not be judged by his gone experiences and social image. To dislodge a long-term practice of harrasment in a society, there law must implement with all its might On October 14, a scandal of harassment and blackmailing of students of Balochistan University had been reported, leading to the arrest of the university’s branch officer and surveillance in-charge. It is reported that the accused had secretly installed cameras in several blocks of the university and filmed the students to blackmail them to run according the claim of blackmailer. After the scandal of UoB, the spirit of Baloch females towards UoB’s culture of education stayed weakened where the number of women seeking education would possibly drop. This was at any rate ill-fated praxis which runs the risk of bolstering patriarchism, ethical spoliation and mythicism of chauvinism- in other words, female from Balochistan reiteratively are convulsed from the call of kitchen-defenders. The scandal linked the activists and students all over the province chanting slogans to meet the crime an end by considering the felons to be sentenced to death. The protesters claimed the University of Balochistan is only low-cost higher educational institutes for the rural areas’ inhabitants to seek a well-off and sheltered culture of getting education in the whole province. And, the majority of the candidates; male and female, belonging to tribal areas, are strictly addressed by seniors to return home back. In point of fact, the issue of scandal to be dealt accurately, got cooked in some political cocktail of disarrangement and chaos. The result of the slogans chanted by protesters grew the growth of uniforms’ implementation and retirement of voice chancellor Prof Dr Javed Iqbal which so far doesn’t seem to satisfy the parents of any region of the province. in addition, the culture of sexual harrasment spreads in haste crossing all religious and secular ill-favored taboos. It is undoubtedly always threatening the experience of a female student to go out and hang out with male fellows in outdoor. The spirit of a girl surrenders when she flashbacks certain happenings around her. Every day, hundreds of female students are filmed and asked to welcome sexual approach at the educational institutions by their instructors, fellows and others worldwide. The world is steadily growing fearsome and unsecure for the women generation. The places which are committed to promote physical and mental defense to the students are the most burgeoning peril. The writer is a freelance columnist from Turbat, Balochistan and is currently a teacher at the School of Intensive Teaching