Actor Ranveer Singh has rented a flat in wife Deepika Padukone‘s building – Beaumonde Towers – in Mumbai’s Prabhadevi area for three years. For the first two years, he will pay Rs 7.25 lakh per month for the flat while in the last 12 months, the rent will increase to Rs 7.97 lakh per month. Deepika Padukone owns a flat on the 26th floor of the building. She had bought it three years ago. Ranveer has rented a flat on the 14th floor. According to sources, Ranveer Singh’s parents Jagjit Singh Bhavnani and Anju Bhavnani will also stay in the apartment as the rent registration is on his father’s name. Ranveer has deposited around Rs 4,500,000 as deposit for the flat and two parking facilities. While it is being said that Ranveer’s parents will stay in the new flat and he will share Deepika’s apartment, there are unconfirmed reports which state that there are some issues between the couple and hence, he decided to rent out a flat in the building. Deepika and Ranveer married in November 2018 in a two-part wedding ceremony in Italy’s Lake Como. They dated for six years before tying the knot. They are co-stars of blockbuster films such as ‘Ram-Leela’, ‘Bajirao Mastani’ and ‘Padmaavat’. ’83’ is their next film as co-stars. Padukone, meanwhile, will be next seen in ‘Chhapaak’, which will release on January 10, 2020.