Criminal justice system(CJS) is the set of laws and principles which are applied on convicted ones on their transgressions. An individual will be treated, if finds guilty, as with the awarding of life-imprisonment or short period of time or sentenced with execution based on the crime. Further, it aims to furnish the peace, to eradicate the crimes and to deliver justice to the victims. As taking the human innate is a bit of violence in line with their self-interest. If the question is about their interests could not refrain them to convict crime. So, to restraint their heinous acts of offences, such a system has been established in every country. The criminal justice system in Pakistan is comprised of three factors: police, prosecution and judiciary. Sadly, Pakistan’s progression concerning the justice system has not been full-fledged. Police is a paramount institution for people because it forfends them from evil and wicked ones. But here is the inverse of it, criminals are being unleashed and victims are given more sorrows. Only money can decide on which side they are rather than being neutral. In Pakistan, police are more extensively hated, feared and untrusted institution, which is thoroughly plagued by corruption reported by redress institutions and public survey. Negligency and malfeasance of police have encouraged the crimes and offences which cause people unrest and uncomfortable to live. The prosecution is referred to public prosecutor appointed by government who stands against its private opponent lawyer to prove the suspected as guilty. Many powers have added in its authority like not to put up lighter cases in court, to investigate without intervening of police and judging the minor cases, which don’t need to put up in court. Prosecution institution was added in 2007 in Pakistan but have not given such above mentioned authorities. They just perform one function to stand for the state against its private opponent. If they will be given the authorities, like in abroad to them, can get the law courts reduced by the huge number of pending cases and verdicts. However, Imran’s government wanted to make some reforms but still, a root has not been grown. Let’s cast an eye on the domestic judicial system of Pakistan which is too of like mourning on it. Judicial system of Pakistan is surviving millions of cases on pending yet has not been resolved. It is alarming drastically in delaying justice. In other words, “Justice delayed is justice denied”. The current chief justice of Pakistan, Asif Saeed Khoso, had transpired, soon after becoming the CJP, that 1.9 million cases put untouched while telling to the media. He, further, told the reason behind it, is the shortage of judges in Pakistan left only 3,000 which is the least ratio to overcome on these cases. A man is innocent till finds guilty but here suspected individual with guilt-ridden suffers a lot as guilty man and after over the years, he is again brought to court for trial and acquitted. This gap doesn’t need any judgement or hearing to punish the suspected one, who already suffered a lot. Pakistan is the only country with immense policies and null implications on it. To me, improvements in justice system can achieve only on the basis of reforms, policies and its full implications. It needs the concerns, insights and pragmatic measures by judicial reformer and policymakers. For further rectifications, the government should emphasize on police, to be honest, and sincere with its duties, the prosecution should be given its actual authorities to deal with the cases and should bring the competent and capacitated judges to deal with the pending cases as hurriedly as they can. By these remedial measures contributes much improvement in the criminal justice system in Pakistan. The writer is a student of Sindh University Jamshoro in the mass communication department.