Qawwali is purely an Islamic devotional musical recitation of Sufi traditions, in which verses are recited in praise of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), his companions and the Sufis of Islam who devoted their entire life in spreading the message of Allah, living a simple life with just one aim to convey the message of Allah and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by practicing a life as close as possible to his teachings.
In short we can say that Qawali is a form of spiritual poetry which impact tremendously on the heart , while reciting the spiritual poetry and adding musical instruments to it which opens the heart compassion and love. Qawali is recited in Ishiq (love), mainly Ishq e Haqiqi and it takes its listeners to a world of spirituality completely absorbing and in the poetic words and the music, which many a times results in the “Hall” that is the listener gets so involved in it forgetting his/her surroundings while submitting his body and soul in the “Ishq” which is the essence of spirituality. As there are certain rules and traditions attached for reciting the Qawali so are there some strict “Adab” ( Respect and regards) which the listeners of Qawali are suppose to observe, the first being to listen every word carefully with utmost respect and affection.
There were times when Mahafil-e-Qawwali were considered as a sacred and holy sitting but now qawwali at many places especially among the elite class of the society have taken shape of get togethers, drinking and dances without even getting into the message the qawwali aims to convey. A message of love and tolerance.
In most of the qawwalis, Persian words are used excessively. Every qawwali has a peculiar and distinctive background in which it is written and recited, but our new generation not being aware and conscious of that very background, just tries to show that they fully apprehend, conceive and grasp every word, dance and smile away
In most of the qawwalis, Persian words are used excessively, while every qawwali has a peculiar and distinctive background in which it is written and recited, but our new generation not being aware and conscious of that very background just try and show as if they fully apprehend, conceive and grasp every word shake their bodies with smiles on their faces. Just few days back I happen to attend a marriage ceremony function in which after the ceremonies Qawali was arranged, to my utmost shock, sorrow anguish and grief I was so disappointed and frustrated when on the famous and heart touching Qwali “Tajdar e Harm” I saw young boys and girls dancing hand in hand, even the bride and the bride groom with all their fancy expensive dress and ornaments. This is one of the those Qawalis upon listening which one is unable to control the tears rolling down the checks , the new generation was dancing, and am sure none of them knew or understood the meanings of the beautiful poetry being recited. The dances were mostly in the form of dances which normally are performed on some pop music and songs. It’s a very normal practice all over the Muslim world that upon listening the Holy name of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) the Muslims bow their heads in utmost respect for Tajdar E Haram, for whom Ahhah Subhan Tallah has commanded in Quran Surah Al Ahzab ” Undoubtedly , Allah and His angles send blessings on the Prophet,the communicator of the unseen news. O you who believe ! send upon Him blessings and Salute Him well in abundance”. Allah commands the believers to send Blessings and Salam (Salute) on the Prophet Muhammad but the believers instead of obeying the command of Allah, during the Mehfil e Qawali dance in semi nude dresses hand in hand with the opposite sex, disrespecting the very conception, thought and the noble, august and magnificent idea and the concept attached with the recitation of Qawali. Whirling Dervishes and their superb dances is another form of mystical branch of Sufism, popular all over Turkey, which conveys the message of universal love, and peace, so is the Qawali, I witnessed the whirling Dervaish performance in Konya, Turkey and observed a pin drop silence among the audiences and the spectators, all observing the decor and the respect attached to that “Sama” as it is called and known. The performance of Whirling Dervishes is mesmerizing not only because of their almost two hour performance at a rate of almost 40 rotations per minute, but one major ingredient and element of spellbinding and enthralling aura is the is the complete silence respect , regard and consideration which is an essential and integral demand and requirement of all such religious sittings and performances, same goes to the Mehfil e Qawali. The Qawali performances have even now become a annual show in different schools and colleges, in which young boys and girls for attending it start preparations weeks before , getting stitched best possible dresses definitely semi nude, going to beauty parlours for makeup as if going to a dress show and not to a spiritual sitting.
It is really painful and hurting to see qawwali, which is purely a spiritual and a poetic way of expressing love to God and His Messenger has become a status symbol and people take it as another type of musical entertainment, forgetting the sanctity and purity of the poetic words and the historical and holy background associated with it. The beautiful and lovely words are recited for cleansing the heart of negative emotions, arrogance, pride, jealousy and hatred. These words are recited to narrate the supremacy, greatness and uncountable qualities of God, His Messenger and the companions of the Prophet who deserve the respect of the greatest order. I request through these lines to all please don’t bring qawwali into your drawing rooms as a fashion and status symbol and maintain its sanctity as is required.
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