As part of the last port call of her overseas deployment to Mediterranean and European countries, Pakistan Navy Ship (PNS) ASLAT visited Jeddah, Saudi Arabai.
In line with the Pakistan’s foreign policy, the Pakistan Navy has always been instrumental in furthering naval diplomacy in the form of goodwill visits and naval exercises with friendly countries. In this regard, PNS ASLAT on overseas deployment to Mediterranean and European countries reflected Pakistan Navy’s reach in western hemisphere, while pursuing Pakistan’s foreign policy objectives.
PNS ASLAT port call to Jeddah was aimed at strengthenthing the existing bonds of friendship and brotherhood between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. The visit was capitalised in terms of professional and social interactions with the host country. During the three-day port call, a Pakisan Navy delegation headed by Commodore Muhammad Faisal Abbasi held a meeting ith Deputy Commander Western Fleet of Royal Saudi Naval Forces (RSNF).
During interaction, enormous goodwill and warmth was expressed for the people of Pakistan in general and Pakistan Navy in particular. Moreover, damage control and fire fighting practical training was conducted at Madrasat ul Hareeq (RSNF DC & FF School) to enhance interoperability and mutually benefit from each other’s experience.
PNS ASLAT hosted a reception onboard, which was attended by the Pakistan consul general, ambassador of Turkey, Chinese consul general, Egypt, France, Italy, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Russia, Singapore, Turkey, UK, USA, Uzbekistan and Yemen, Pakistan Navy and Pakistam Army officers on various assignments at KSA, officers from RSNF, officers from Egyptian Navy Ship Alexandria, prominent Pakistani business community and the consulate staff.
According to a statemnet, PNS ASLAT’s visit to Jeddah afforded an opportunity to further flourish and strengthen existing brotherly relations between naval forces of Pakistan and KSA and provided an impetus to diplomatic and military ties between two brotherly countries.
Published in Daily Times, September 2nd 2018.