British-Pakistani actor and activist, Riz Ahmed is working with the BBC on his first self-penned TV drama. The drama titled, Englistan, will narrate the story of three generations of a British-Pakistani family over four decades and will highlight their shifting circumstances and evolving loyalties. Englistan, which Ahmed first revealed to The Hollywood Reporter in 2016, was announced on Monday and is being produced by BBC Studios Drama London in association with Left Handed Films for BBC Two. Ahmed said that he was excited to be working with [BBC Studios executive producer] Esther Springer and with the rest of the team at BBC Studios. Riz further said, “Englistan is an untold British story with universal themes and resonance. It is the story I always wanted to tell, and it is a privilege to have the opportunity to do so.” BBC Drama controller Piers Wenger added, “Englistan is the story of the birth of multicultural Britain as seen from the inside.” He further stated, “We are honoured to be working with Riz on this epic, deeply personal story.” Englistan was commissioned by Wenger and Patrick Holland, both controllers of BBC Two. Executive producers are Ahmed for Left Handed Films, Springer and Hilary Salmon for BBC Studios Drama London and Lucy Richer for BBC Two. In 2016 when Ahmed had spoken to The Hollywood Reporter, he had claimed that he hoped to direct as “much as possible” of his drama but also added that he did not intend to cast himself. Published in Daily Times, May 2nd 2018.