PESHAWAR: Private teachers from tribal Khyber Agency have demanded the authorities concerned to ensure merit and transparency in recruitment by reactivation of National Testing Service system in Federally Administered Tribal Areas. Speaking at a news conference at press club on Friday, Private Teacher’s Union Khyber Agency, President SaeedurRehmanAfridi said that the recruitments were being made in government-run institutions under NTS system in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as well as other parts of the country. But, he said the NTS system had abrogated for recruitment in education department and other public sector entity in Federally Administered Tribal Areas. Flanked the teacher’s union office bearers, Alamzeb, Ahmad Khan, GulMarjan, and teachers, Afridi said that the non-qualified people had appointed and upgraded in absence of any metric and transparent mechanism for recruitments in tribal region. Opposing the current communal schooling system, he called for immediate abolishment of communal teachers’ quota. He added the highly-qualified and eligible tribal people have ignored from recruitment process in presence of primitive communal schooling system in tribal areas. He called for revival of National Testing System to ensure transparency and merit in recruitments in Fata. Afridi said that the education institutions had remained shut due to prolonged militancy and terrorism in tribal agencies. He expressed concern over unnecessary delay in appointments of the teachers in Fata and it should ensure maximum recruitment of teachers through NTS system, he demanded. He said that Fata reforms in education sector should be brought on metric basis and called for elimination of political influence in the recruitment process. He demanded the Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Director Education Fata and Assistant Chief Secretary Fata to immediate revive the NTS system for recruitments in Fata. He warned that if their demands were not fulfilled within a week, they would start protest drive from holding a protest demonstration in Peshawar.