The anomalies in the infrastructures create inevitable yet invisible wherewithal to plummet the public and unsurprisingly that very infrastructures bring bountiful benefits for the powerful. It is so owing to the deadly avarice of few that makes the rest necessitous and therefore craven to gainsay the status, the lucre or the rungs that led to otherwise impossible power crests. The sole, yet invincible, weapon the few subsume that later on fuels their venal means of wealth is resistance to disparage or carp. Fundamentally different (in a superior sense), the few insinuate mirroring as aspersion, truth, a taboo and reality a misprinted picture. Convoluted, covert and cunning nature is their very instrument that wracks the rest without any sympathy, empathy or compassion. The wealth, power and exercise of that power afterwards make them sobriquets like talismen: magical and preternatural ability to commit utopian-veneered gross depredation. The pervasive penury, beyond definitional interpretation, is the accumulation of moolah by the few to a whale extension. Resultantly, the deprivation of the majority is inevitable. Indigency isn’t a divine fate, rather, it is a man-made dilemma backed by the system, secured by so-called enforcers and perpetuated by avarice. In the unfair battle between the few and the rest, the latter is destined to a miserable defeat given the all advantages leaning towards the former. It isn’t a hyperbole if a minority underpinned by interpreters, arbiters and hierarchies topples down a majority perennially, though the power rests in the latter’s realm. Within the chain, few rule, others fool, some mediate, others intimidate, some include the composers of paean, others chant it ostentatiously, insinuating the clutches of power reign supreme against all odds – by hook or by crook. Achievability requires the courage to go beyond the bulwarks of fearfulness. Fallow in reality, factotum for the few, the drivers of the country – the people – are abjured to bloom given the hellish environment, paucity of sustenance and constant crushing of the feebles – the buds waiting to bloom. Chronically precarious from systematic irregularities though, the few continue to occlude the enlightenment, erasing the pathways to prosperity and concocting fabled Edens to forestall reality, therefore maintaining their otherwise fleeting reign. Puissance persists owing to the cowardice of the pulse of the land, penury prevails pervasively due to craven to gainsay, and that’s what bestows the few an upper hand over the rest and, resultantly, the social status remains fixed for life. Achievability requires the courage to go beyond the bulwarks of fearfulness. The accessibility to the accessible demands the simple, rudimentary dare to question the gatekeeper. However, the majority is skeptical, desultory and enervate, hence the paws of the few on the power realms remain tightened. Behind benevolent fate and humongous fortune of the few, there’s the tireless efforts of the many. The lavish lifestyle and enclaves are the results of depriving the majority of rudimentary rights. Bear in mind, dirge remains an alien emotion for the wealth whales and disparage, a well-known action. Since the few are systematically immuned, the diatribe often disappears in the dark, and since enforcers and interpreters are star-crossed with the few, throwing shades remains to no avail. Rarely though, if ever the public outcry itches the ears of few, nothing happens but the tempo of depredation and exploitation. Pique, and discover the accelerated speed of coming out of the frying pan and entering into the fire. Zipped voices, intimidated souls and sealed minds put bulwarks between the docile masses and the pioneers of humongous lucre. Docile translates as the ability to get taught and the latter hold foreign degrees in pedagogical methods to transfer the “observe sans action” tuition. Sans any specialties, the few reigns supreme given the belief of the few of power residing. Since the rest remain unknown, or reluctant to know their rights, this makes the former’s job easy. Owing to the misunderstanding the few are chosen, the rest choose to be lethargic and employees, working tirelessly to add to the already piled up lucre. Unfeigned parasites and thespians of manipulation are primordially impassive and therefore punitive, that, in response, makes the rest subjects of subjugation. It’s the latter’s flesh and blood the former made empires out of. What’s more ironic is the latter’s ignorance of existing in a perpetual cycle of exploitation. The depths of exploitation keep an archive of buried hopes, burnt fruits of struggles and ashes of integrity. Since unfairly structured set-ups often haunt the less powered segments, that later on creates a collective memory – the ascribed divine fate, immutable by any means. Owing to the idea that constancy and change rarely walk hand in hand, the either’s existence will haunt the other’s. That is, if the constancy remains in its constant position, the change will lurk aimlessly and vice versa. Numerable outperforming innumerable usually sparks curiosity to introspect, question, and demand explanation. But curiosity, too, requires cognition, introspection in itself is an art, questioning requires courage and demand comes when the subject is a stakeholder. Ironically, all seem out of the scene. These missing elements make the numerable what the title is. Courtesy past, the reign remains in sound condition with no internal or external threats upcoming. Since the shields of protection are solid as rock, rescue, sure as shooting, the commitment to harm the less empowered usually gets reduced to easy-peasy. That’s, in fact, been the case. The few robbing the rest is akin to cadging, hence different from parasitism since it hurts the hosts directly. The former, on the other hand, is akin to bagging; an act of elation for both the parties. The deafening silence echoes better bid adieu to unfulfilled hopes, desires, dreams and expectations and get set for greater battles against the same monsters ahead. The writer is a freelancer.