Punjab Chief Minister, Maryam Nawaz has approved an inquiry against the Vice Chancellor and six other employees of Nishtar Hospital in Multan, following an alarming HIV outbreak at the hospital’s dialysis center. According to reports, the inquiry will be carried out under the Punjab Employees Efficiency Discipline and Accountability (PEEDA) Act. A two-member committee, led by Secretary of Transport, Ahmad Javed Qazi, has been tasked with investigating the matter. The committee will look into the actions of these employees in relation to the HIV outbreak. Following Maryam Nawaz’s approval, show-cause notices have been issued to the seven employees involved in the case. Preliminary reports suggest that Professor Dr. Ghulam Abbas, Head of the Nephrology Department, failed in his administrative duties. Similarly, Dr. Muhammad Kazim, responsible for investigating the HIV outbreak, was found to have been completely ineffective in addressing the issue. While, Dr. Poonam Khalid, a member of the Nephrology Department, is accused of being frequently absent from her duties. Further, Dr. Malhiya Johar Zidi failed to report an HIV-infected patient to her senior colleagues. In another disturbing revelation, Naheed Parveen is accused of reusing disposable items for patient dialysis, which violates medical protocols. The Specialized Healthcare Department has instructed these employees to submit their responses within 14 days. An investigation into the matter is underway. Separately, Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has lauded Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and his team for unveiling “Uraan Pakistan,” a comprehensive roadmap for the sustainable development of the nation. In a media statement on Wednesday, the CM said: “Pakistan has taken off to fly high,” she remarked, emphasizing that the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) prioritizes development above all “. Reflecting on the vision of Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, the CM said that Pakistan was on the path of economic development. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and his team were tirelessly working towards economic stability and the prosperity of the common man. She described “Uraan Pakistan” as a transformative plan for long-term growth. She highlighted the importance of “Five-E” vision, which focuses on exports, environment, e-governance, energy, and equity. “This commendable strategy is stabilizing the economy, but equal attention must also be paid to social development,” she said. Addressing those who oppose progress, CM Maryam Nawaz declared, “The nation will no longer tolerate obstacles to its development. Exploiting Pakistan’s population potential and efficiently utilizing resources is crucial.” She said those who hinder Pakistan’s progress are, in fact, enemies of the people. Separately, Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has extended her heartfelt greetings to the nation on New Year. In her message on Wednesday, the CM said: “Congratulations to the entire nation on the beginning of 2025.” She expressed her prayers for a year filled with happiness and prosperity for the people of Pakistan, stating, “I always pray for the happiness, health, and safety of my people.”