South superstar Allu Arjun has responded to the comment made by Aamir Khan Productions on his film ‘Pushpa 2.’ The Bollywood actor’s production house congratulated the ‘Pushpa 2? team over the massive success of the sequel, starring Allu Arjun alongside Rashmika Mandanna and Fahadh Faasil. “Huge congratulations from AKP to the entire team of Pushpa: The Rule for the blockbuster success of the film! Wishing you continued success onwards and upwards. Love. Team AKP,” the Aamir Khan Productions wrote in a post on Instagram. Reacting to the post, the film’s male lead Allu Arjun expressed gratitude to the Bollywood actor and his production house for their wishes. “Thank You very much for your warm wishes. Wam Regards to the entire team of AKP,” the actor wrote. Reports said that ‘Pushpa 2’ emerged as the biggest film in 2024 as it collected INR1,163.8 crore and is moving closer to the all-time collection of Bollywood star Aamir Khan’s ‘Dangal.’ Directed by Sukumar, ‘Pushpa 2’ features Allu Arjun with Rashmika Mandanna and Fahadh Faasil. The film reportedly witnessed over 70 percent jump in its Box Office numbers after the South superstar was taken into custody earlier this month after a woman died during a stampede at a screening event. Reports said that the collections of Allu Arjun’s Box Office juggernaut ‘Pushpa 2’ saw a massive hike of 74 percent domestically and at least a 70 percent jump overall since the superstar’s arrest in the stampede case. It is worth noting here that Arjun was arrested by the Hyderabad police and was sent on 14-day judicial custody by a local court, in connection to a woman’s death in the fatal stampede, which took place at the film’s screening in Sandhya Theatre, a night before the film’s global release on December 5.