Renowned television and film actor Zara Noor Abbas, celebrated for her roles in popular TV dramas like Khamoshi, Deewar-e-Shab and Badshah Begum, recently shared heartfelt moments with her daughter Noor-e-Jahan on social media.
However, despite her frequent posts, Zara has kept her daughter’s face hidden from public view, sparking fan curiosity.
Zara, who is married to actor Asad Siddiqui, became a mother earlier this year. The couple has since been sharing glimpses of their life with Noor-e-Jahan, often posting pictures where their daughter’s face is either obscured or out of the frame.
In a recent Instagram post, Zara explained her decision to protect her daughter’s identity, citing concerns over the evil eye-a belief deeply rooted in many cultures, including in Pakistan.
“Not showing your picture to the world anytime soon, because of evil eye,” she wrote, adding that she intends to continue shielding her daughter’s face from the public for the foreseeable future.
The post was accompanied by a touching caption where Zara expressed her profound love and connection for her daughter. She described how motherhood has introduced her to new depths of emotion and resilience, surpassing even the strong bond she shares with her parents.
Zara praised her daughter for teaching her perseverance and courage and for giving her life new meaning.
Zara also addressed her followers directly, asking them to bear with her choice of not revealing her daughter’s face, while acknowledging the natural, unfiltered state in which she chooses to share her photos as a mother. “No Photoshop, body editing is done because I respect and appreciate my body for being so miraculous,” she stated.