Prominent Pakistani actress and host Nadia Khan has defended the controversial web series “Barzakh,” declaring it one of her favourite series despite accusations of promoting homosexuality. Directed by Pakistani filmmaker Asim Abbasi and produced for the Indian streaming platform Zee5, “Barzakh” has faced severe criticism on social media since the release of its third episode. The series has been targeted by Pakistani fans and some showbiz personalities who are calling for its ban, accusing it of violating Islamic principles. These critics have also demanded a boycott of its stars, Fawad Khan and Sanam Saeed. Recently, Nadia Khan appeared as an analyst on a private television channel, where she shared her thoughts on “Barzakh.” She suggested that Pakistani viewers are resistant to the series because it deviates from the traditional themes of daily dramas. “Those who enjoy dramas centred around family conflicts, marriages and divorces might not appreciate ‘Barzakh,'” she stated. Khan praised the series as a ground-breaking achievement for Pakistani directors and writers, who have previously struggled to succeed with suspenseful content.