The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) injected Rs 9,567.25 billion into the market on Friday through reverse repo purchase and Shariah Compliant Mudarabah-based Open Market Operation (OMO). According to OMO results issued here, the SBP conducted an Open Market Operation, Reverse Repo Purchase (Injection) on August 02, 2024, for 7-day and 28-day tenors and accepted 44 bids cumulatively amounting to Rs9,482.25 billion. The central bank received 16 bids for a 7-day tenor cumulatively offering an amount of Rs982.25 billion at the rate of return ranging between 19.56 to 19.62 percent while 29 bids were received for the 28-day tenor offering an amount of Rs8,807.95 billion at the rate of return ranging between 19.55 to 19.62%. The SBP accepted all 16 quotes for a 7-day tenor amounting to Rs982.25 billion at 19.56 % rate of return while 28 quotes for 28-day tenor amounting to Rs8,500 billion were accepted at 19.56% rate of return. Meanwhile, the central bank also conducted Shariah Compliant Mudarabah based Open Market Operations for 7-day and 28-day tenors and injected Rs85 billion in the market. For the 7-day tenor, the SBP received one bid amounting to Rs85 billion (face value of collateral) at 19.58% rate of return while one bid was received for 28-day tenor amounting to Rs30 billion at 19.57% rate of return.