Renowned director Nabeel Qureshi of Filmwala Pictures is set to take over the screens this Eid-ul-Azha with his latest film, “Na Baligh Afraad.” The film marks the highly anticipated cinematic debut of Samar Jafri, who previously won hearts everywhere with his performance in Mayi Ri as a teenager thrust into child marriage. The poster for “Na Baligh Afraad” was released yesterday and is a visual treat for those who remember the golden days of VHS tapes. The title of the film is prominently displayed on an old-school VHS tape, immediately sparking a sense of nostalgia. This creative choice suggests that the film will delve into themes of the past, offering a sentimental trip down memory lane, promising audiences a unique blend of old and new. Known for his critically acclaimed “Na Maloom Afraad” series, Nabeel Qureshi once again showcases his knack for storytelling with his new project. The title itself is a playful nod to his previous work, suggesting a fresh perspective focused on the younger generation. Qureshi’s films have always resonated with audiences for their humor, relatable characters, and social commentary, and this latest venture with Samar in the lead is expected to continue that tradition with a new twist. The film features a star-studded ensemble cast including Samar Jafri, Aashir Wajahat, Ehteshamuddin, Saleem Mairaj, Faiza Hasan, Irfan Motiwala, Aadi Adeal Amjad, Arzu Fatima, Rimha Ahmed, and others, with Rana Kamran as the DOP.