On the court order, Sindh police raided a landlord’s private jail and freed 33 farmers including women and children in Umarkot. According to the report, the raid was conducted following a petition filed by farmer Nursingh Kolhi in the Umerkot Sessions Court against landlord Hamza Rind. In the petition, Nurshigh Kolhi alleged that landlord Hamza Rind had imprisoned women, children, and farmers in his private jail and forced them into bonded labour. The petitioner appealed to the session’s court to release the imprisoned children, women and farmers from the landlord’s private jail. On this, the sessions court took serious notice and issued orders to the police to recover the imprisoned kids, women and farmers from the private jail immediately. After recovering the imprisoned 33 farmers including children and women, police brought all of them along with their belongings to Kunri police station. According to the police sources, the recovered persons from the private jail will be presented in the Umerkot’s sessions court.