A-list actor Syra Yousuf marked her 36th birthday in Makkah, performing Umrah with her only child Nooreh Shahroz. Celebrated actor Syra Yousuf, who celebrates her birthday on April 20 of every year, embarked on the journey to Makkah with her only daughter Nooreh Shahroz earlier this week, to perform Umrah around her birthday. Taking to her Instagram handle in the early hours of Sunday, the ‘Sinf-e-Aahan’ star posted a two-picture gallery of the mother-daughter duo, twinning in their matching Hijab, during their pilgrimage. “Happy birthday to me Hands down the happiest, most precious birthday,” she wrote in the caption of the picture post, also featuring a selfie of the two. Thousands of her social followers including the entertainment fraternity liked the post and extended their heartfelt felicitations for the celebrity and the star kid in the comments section. Pertinent to note that Nooreh, 9, is the only child of Yousuf and her ex-husband, actor Shahroz Sabzwari, from their eight-year-long marriage. They parted ways in 2020. While she is still happily single, Sabzwari married supermodel Sadaf Kanwal in 2022 and together they share a baby girl, Syeda Zahra Sabzwari.