Pakistani actress Momina Iqbal has taken a strong stance against online harassment, publicly calling out those who send her “immoral and negative messages.” The Ehd-e-Wafa actress took to Instagram to express her outrage, sharing screenshots of the offensive messages alongside the senders’ accounts. She warned these individuals to stop their harassment, stating, “Don’t talk about my generation and don’t talk about my family. If anyone sends immoral messages, I will not leave anyone alone.” Momina Iqbal further challenged the senders’ morals, questioning if they treat their own mothers and sisters with similar disrespect. The Khuda Aur Muhabbat 3 actress went further, questioning the character of her harassers. “Let the one who has a clean past talk about me,” she wrote. She challenged them to consider how they treat their own family members, asking, “I am sure that they would have treated the same with their mother and sisters in their home.”