Aiman Khan has once again become subject to criticism for flaunting a Gucci bag and a top from Zara in her recent post. Aiman Khan came under fire for her choice of fashion brands. The actress took to Instagram to share a glimpse of her fashion flair. She was wearing a stylish Zara top, pairing it with a Gucci bag. The actress, known for her captivating performances on-screen, has an immense fan following that eagerly awaits her updates on social media. In some of the photos, Aiman was not alone. She was joined by her sister, Minal Khan. However, Aiman faced criticism for wearing the brands. The ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict has resulted in people boycotting certain brands. Zara faced controversy after an ad campaign appeared to mock the violence in Palestine. The campaign included mannequins with missing limbs and statues that had been wrapped in white cloth. Social media users slammed Aiman for owning products from such brands. A user criticised: “Shame on you. Imagine if it was your baby getting killed and someone did business with the one who was killing. “How would you feel? Pretty darn bad of course.” Another suggested: “They think they can do anything and everything if they are famous. “At least have some humanity and refrain from buying from Zara.” A user wrote: “Why can’t she just let Zara go? “First, she tries to copy their designs for her own brand and now she just can’t stop buying it despite everything. “Why are you so obsessed? Have some self-control. The top doesn’t even look good.”