Aryan Khan, the young entrepreneur and son of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, candidly shared his experiences in his recent interview with GQ India on working closely with his father. The duo collaborated not only on their high-end streetwear brand, D’yavol X but also on an exciting new project. Aryan Khan’s first directing project has been kept secret for almost two years – but now he’s ready to spill. He revealed that his maiden directorial venture is a web series titled “Stardom”. The exciting bit: It revolves around the movie business. Six episodes down and Red Chillies Entertainment is producing it. Aryan Khan also shared his thoughts on the opportunity to work with his father, not only in show business but also as they collaborate on clothing collections for their brand. Shah Rukh Khan has long been respected both by fans and those within the industry because he never seems tired of promoting movies tirelessly or shooting commercials day after day; this dedication is something Aaryan appreciates deeply too “It’s always a pleasure and a learning experience. People talk about his work ethic, but experiencing it first-hand was really exciting.” Shah Rukh Khan brings added value to the brand beyond being a star. Aryan recognises that his father’s vast knowledge makes his job easier. But it’s not just about getting things done quickly- there needs to be balance too! Aryan describes their brand as “edgy,” but also says there is some “sanity” and “maturity” mixed in. A COLLECTIVE VISION — D’yavol X stands out because it combines modern ideas with experienced insights. Aryan Khan puts it nicely when he says, “By having viewpoints from both sides we can connect with what all of us have in mind.” The brand wants to appeal to people of all ages – whether they’re 10 or 70.