Renowned Indian producer and director Ekta Kapoor is gearing up for an exciting project as she plans to remake the hit Pakistani drama series ‘Tere Bin’ for the Indian audience. Taking advantage of the show’s popularity, Ekta Kapoor has joined hands with an Indian channel to adapt the story for the Indian audience. Reports suggest that she is considering Kanika Mann and Ayesha Singh for the lead roles and the remake is expected to retain the title “Tere Bin.” The drama is slated to air on television starting from July 2024. In recent years, Pakistani dramas have been gaining increasing recognition in India, drawing attention from Indian actors and producers who appreciate their high quality. ‘Tere Bin’, starring Wahaj Ali and Yumna Zaidi, became a massive hit not only in Pakistan but also in neighbouring countries like India and Bangladesh. Zaidi’s popularity soared due to the widespread acclaim of the show.