A-list film stars of Pakistan, Humayun Saeed and Mahira Khan are all set to reunite on-screen with ARY Films’ upcoming title ‘Love Guru’. Brace yourselves to witness your favourite on-screen couple, Humayun Saeed and Mahira Khan together once again, as they join forces, also with versatile actor Sohai Ali Abro this time, for the next big screen outing, titled ‘Love Guru’. As per the reports, Khan and Saeed have begun filming for the first schedule of the title in Karachi. According to the details, celebrated actor, director and screenwriter Vasay Chaudhry has penned the story of ‘Love Guru’, whereas, DOP Sulemna Razzaq is responsible for the cinematography of the movie. Ace film director Nadeem Baig helms the direction of the title, backed by ARY Films and Six Sigma Plus of Saeed and Shahzad Nasib. More details regarding the release schedule of ‘Love Guru’ are awaited. Pertinent to note that Baig, Chaudhry and Saeed have previously collaborated on ‘Jawani Phir Nahi Ani’ 1 & 2, both backed by ARY Films as well.