Bollywood’s Mr Perfectionist Aamir Khan has revealed what happened after his separation from his ex-wife Kiran Rao. He asked her what she lacked as a husband to which Kiran wrote down 10 to 15 points about his shortcomings. Recently, Aamir shared an interesting incident about himself and Kiran Rao in which he told how after the divorce she wrote him 10 to 15 points that Aamir lacked as a husband. Talking about the friendship despite the separation from Kiran, Aamir said that it is a funny thing, we have just separated, which everyone knows, one evening I was sitting with Kiran, I asked Kiran that What was lacking in me as a husband? My life is going on but how can I change myself. According to Aamir after that, Kiran wrote me some points as she told me that “You talk too much, you don’t let anyone talk and you stick to your words.” “I have written 15 to 20 points regarding what she told on what I lacked as a husband,” Aamir added.