A video of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan teaching his signature pose to former Australia cricketer Meg Lanning is going viral on social media. The Bollywood actor interacted with Meg Lanning, who is leading Delhi Capitals, ahead of the Women’s Premier League 2024. The viral video showed Meg Lanning having fun with Shah Rukh Khan at Mumbai’s M. Chinnawamy Stadium. They re-enacted the actor’s signature “arms wide open” pose. Shah Rukh Khan star is one of the most famous celebrities in the world. His diverse performance in super-hit projects has earned him recognition and countless awards. His super hit projects include ‘Kal Ho Naa Ho,’ ‘Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jaayenge,’ ‘Darr,’ ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hai,’ ‘Dil Toh Paagal Hai,’ ‘Karan Arjun,’ ‘Dil Se,’ ‘Koyla,’ ‘Veer-Zaara,’ ‘Chak De India,’ ‘Pathaan,’ ‘Dunki’ among others. Meg Lanning, on the other hand, is considered one of the greatest cricketers in the world. She led Australia to five World Cup triumphs. The batter has won seven world titles and a gold medal in the Commonwealth Games 2022. Australia won 80 percent of their matches under her leadership.