Pakistani actor and director Yasir Hussain has recently disclosed why he does not want his son to join the showbiz industry. He said that there are many issues in the entertainment industry that’s why I don’t want my son to come into acting. An interview clip of Yasir Hussain is going viral on social media in which he can be seen expressing his not-so-optimistic views for the Pakistani television industry. In a recent interview, he said he is against his son joining the acting world as there are many issues surrounding the enigmatic world of entertainment. Explaining his position, Yasir asked the host to tell us what is going on in our industry, is it any professional work? What is an actor’s job? An actor’s job is to act well, to showcase his talent in the showbiz field, but in our industry, the actor is constantly being offered tedious and monotonous roles. Talking about the popularity of Pakistani dramas in India, Yasir said that Pakistani dramas are not being seen all over the world and if they are seen in India, it is because they have low quality dramas.