Actor and model Hira Tareen has said she received an invitation to participate in Aurat March, but she did not attend it because she thinks the march is not purely for women’s rights and autonomy. The actor recently participated in a private fashion magazine’s podcast and spoke openly about various issues including women’s and men’s issues. The actress said she is a feminist, but it does not mean women’s rights should be discussed in the same way. Tareen disclosed she received an invitation to participate in the yearly Aurat March, but did not participate because there are many purposes of the march; it is not purely for women’s rights and autonomy. During the conversation, Hira Tareen said that violence against women is condemnable under all circumstances, there are no two opinions about it, but it is also true that the privileges enjoyed by women in Pakistan are nowhere to be found. Explaining her point, she said that women’s dignity is respected in Pakistan and they are given importance. Now if a woman goes out in bold attire, people will certainly notice her, but it doesn’t mean that men always look at women with dirty looks and thoughts.