Renowned actress and television host Juggan Kazim, known for her candidness about personal experiences, recently shared her views on the challenges of modern day marriages. In a digital talk show appearance, Juggan Kazim, who herself has traversed the difficult journey of divorce from an abusive marriage, advised single mothers contemplating remarriage. ?She suggested that women with children should take a cautious approach, advocating for personal meetings with potential partners and involving their children in the decision-making process. ?Kazim shared her own experience of taking six months to carefully consider and decide upon her second marriage to Faisal, where the integration of their respective families played a pivotal role. The actress-turned-host highlighted the significance of investing time and effort into blending families, especially when stepchildren are involved. According to Kazim, patience is key, as it took time for Faisal’s grown-up children to warm up to their new family dynamics. Expressing concern over the increasing prevalence of easy divorces in contemporary society, Juggan Kazim voiced her opinion on the internal toll divorce takes on individuals.?While acknowledging that divorce should not be stigmatized, she criticized the trend of opting for the “easy way out” in relationships. Kazim urged individuals to go the extra mile to salvage their marriages, lamenting that the commitment to making marriages work seems to be diminishing in current times.