New research has revealed that Megan Thee Stallion has gained 101,244 new Instagram followers, while Nicki Minaj’s follower count has plummeted by 38,280, following the release of Megan’s latest single ‘Hiss’ on January 26. Megan Thee Stallion released her new single ‘Hiss’ on Friday which appears to include a diss aimed at Nicki Minaj, resulting in a significant follower boost of over 101,000 for Megan and a huge loss of more than 38,000 for Nicki. One line of the song in particular picked up attention on social media, “These h*es don’t be mad at Megan, these h*es mad at Megan’s Law”; Megan’s Law refers to a US federal law that requires every state in the US to provide the public with information regarding registered sex offenders. Fans have recognised this to be directed towards Nicki Minaj, with her husband, Kenneth Petty, failing to register as a sex offender in California in 2022. Shortly after ‘Hiss’ was released on music streaming platforms, Nicki previewed the track on Instagram Live where viewers witnessed her initial reaction, saying: “I call her big foot”, “the b*tch fell off” and “I said get up on your good foot”. Fans speculated that this clapback from Nicki was referring to Megan’s shooting incident, where rapper Tory Lanez shot her in the foot in 2020. As well as this, she shared a series of posts on X referring to Megan as a manipulative liar and has since released a new freestyle track titled ‘Big Foot’. While Megan Thee Stallion is yet to respond, the Spotify streams of her new single ‘Hiss’ have reached 3,712,313 within only three days. Nicki is continuing to share various posts on X from her fanbase, known as Barbz, that are directed towards Megan. A spokesperson from has commented: “With Megan’s new song being released just three days ago, the reactions on social media have been intense to say the least. The pair were considered to be on good terms back in 2019 following their collaboration for ‘Hot Girl Summer’ – however, fans suspected that their friendship came to an end when Megan worked with Cardi B, Nicki’s rival, to produce WAP in 2020. So, a feud as enormous as this one could have been a long time coming.” “It’s interesting to see that Megan Thee Stallion’s follower count has increased so significantly while Nicki Minaj’s has decreased – it’s certainly an indication of whose side the public are on.”