Court decided to indict Former federal minister Fawad Chaudhry in alleged fraud case on February 10, a private TV channel reported on Saturday. As per details, the former federal minister’s counsel Qaiser Imam Mirza Baig appeared before the court and urged the court to extend the indictment date as he needed time to overview the case. At this, the court adjourned the hearing of fraud case against Fawad Chaudhry till February 10. Earlier, the Islamabad Accountability Court extended the physical remand of the former federal minister for allegedly being involved in financial irregularities in construction projects. The Duty Judge Shahrukh Arjumand of the Accountability Court presided over the hearing, where the NAB sought an extension in the physical remand of Fawad Chaudhry for 10 days. The duty judge after hearing the argument from both sides approved the two-day physical remand and sent former federal minister Fawad Chaudhry under NAB’s custody. Former federal minister Fawad Chaudhry along with his group announced the boycott of the general elections 2024. According to details, the former miniter wrote a letter to the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) in which it was said that there is no point in such elections in which ‘there is no right to choose’. Fawad Chaudhry is currently in jail over allegations of financial irregularities in the development projects in Jhelum, Punjab.