In her first Instagram post since her ex-husband Shoaib Malik’s marriage to Pakistani actress Sana Javed, former Indian tennis player Sania Mirza shared a reflective moment. Late Thursday night, Sania posted a photo of herself in front of a mirror with a one-word caption. This marked her first Instagram activity since her divorce from the former Pakistan cricket team captain was confirmed. Malik had shared photographs of his marriage with Sana Javed on January 20 and Sania had maintained silence until this post. Her only social media activity during this time was limited to posts on X, primarily related to her role as a broadcaster for the Australian Open. Notably, Sania had posted cryptic stories on her Instagram account days before Shoaib announced his marriage. A couple of days after Shoaib’s announcement, Sania’s family confirmed the long-standing separation between the multiple Grand Slam winner and the Pakistani cricketer. In a statement, Mirza’s family shared, “Sania has always kept her personal life away from the public eye. However, today the need has arisen for her to share that Shoaib and she have been divorced for a few months now.” They requested fans to respect her privacy during this sensitive period. Rumours about the strained relationship between Malik and Mirza had been circulating for a while, especially when Malik unfollowed Mirza on Instagram, further fuelling speculation about their marital discord. The couple, who got married in April 2010, has a five-year-old son named Izaan, currently residing with Sania. Sania, in a recent Instagram post, hinted at personal struggles, stating, “Marriage is hard, Divorce is hard. Choose your hard.” Despite the challenges, Sania Mirza remains celebrated as one of India’s greatest tennis players. She announced her retirement from professional tennis last year after a successful career spanning two decades with six Grand Slam titles in doubles and mixed doubles events.