Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif’s comments about her marriage to fellow celebrity Vicky Kaushal are going viral on social media. Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal tied the knot on December 9, 2021, at Fort Barwana located in the Rajasthan state of India. The actress, who is enjoying the success of her latest film ‘Merry Christmas’, hosted an interactive session for her Instagram followers. A fan asked her what she liked about being a Punjabi daughter-in-law. The actress replied, “Dher saara pyaar aur ghar ka bana hua sarso ka saag aur maki ki roti with white makhan (A lot of love and homemade delicacies).” Katrina Kaif earlier revealed that her first interaction with Vicky Kaushal happened at director Zoya Akhtar’s party. She added that he was never on her ‘radar’. “I did not even know much about him. He was just a name I had heard of but had never associated with. But then, when I met him, I was won over!” she said. She added, “It was my destiny and it was really meant to be. There were so many coincidences that at one point all of it just felt so unreal.”